Click SHOP to add item to cart, then view cart and checkout to complete registration.
If you are unsure which package to order, or have any questions regarding registration, please contact us at [email protected].
2024 MaSH Symposium MEMBERS ONLY
Register for the 2023 MaSH Symposium. This rate is only available for current members. If you are not currently a member, please refer to the non-member rates or join today for a discount! Membership year runs from January 1st thru December 31st.
MASH Annual Membership Fee
Purchasing this item will give you guaranteed, discounted access to all events MASH has to offer for the year 2024. Symposiums and webinars will provide members the chance to earn CEU credits necessary for their career in histotechnology. Membership year runs from January 1st thru December 31st.
2023 MASH Symposium NON-MEMBERS
Register for the 2023 MASH symposium. This rate is for non-members of MASH. Purchase a membership and registration bundle for the most savings!